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our story


Here at d.a.d. we’re all about being understandable...  


This means not reciting loads of tech speak, bombing you with the latest catchphrases or trying to sound ‘all up with that’ with too many TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms).

We’re here to help you figure out what you and your organisation want to achieve, how you can achieve it and how you will know when you have got there.  

Most importantly, we're here to help you communicate it to your people in a way they understand, can relate to, and can action. After all, having a strategy is nothing more than a tick in the box, unless you are your team can get behind it and have it drive you to success.




d.a.d. (Dee, Aye, Dee) is not your father, we can handle more than just a good dad joke.   

We won't tell you what to do, we will work with you to articulate what you want to do, in your words and that your team can understand.  

That’s not to say we don’t bring skills to the party


Senior Digital and Analytics Strategist with over 20 years experience in the Digital, Data and Analytics field in New Zealand. Corey
has developed and executed the analytics strategies for some of the best known brands in New Zealand, including Restaurant Brands, Frucor Beverages and Foodstuffs North Island. 


Corey has experience in

  • Experience managing/recovering large, complex projects in both
    Waterfall and Agile environments.

  • Experience in managing large teams (internal and contract) and large budgets

  • Experience in implementing Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Reporting and Analytics solutions in a wide variety of organisations,including Retail, Wholesale, FMCG, QSR, Health and Construction




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